
Day 15 Fitness update

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 15 Fitness Update!!

So although this may seem pretty silly to others I find this a helpful tool towards my goal. Today is only day 15, but my body is starting to feel the difference. So far I am working out 5 days a week. Now not everyone has to start out this way but I am currently unemployed as of two weeks ago so now I have nothing but time and they have a child care at the gym. Not only do I get to work out but my kid gets play time its a win win for the both of us. As far as my diet I have stepped up on my veggies and trying to back off on the carbs. Morning times I am either doing a Slimfast shake or egg whites and add some veggies. I am not cooking with butter either I will use a little bit of olive oil. The majority off cooking I do if I can not use my George Forman that is I will use the olive oil. I don't drink any soda I only drink water, Crystal light juice no sugar no calories and coffee. I refuse to give up coffee LOL not negotiable!! Always remember calories in calories out is the key! Now as far as those big girl panties I am slightly putting them on lol I have finally convinced my fiance to take a class with me so we are going to do a Spin class tomorrow. Please pray I don't pass out and die lol.

What is the worst thing that can happen to a person when working out. We might possibly feel better about our selves physically, and emotionally. The pounds may not be melting off right now but I have lost some inches and I am feeling amazing and more productive. I am sleeping better at night and waking up feeling refreshed for the first time in well ever really. Even the last time I went on my health kick I can't remember waking up feeling like this. I have only lost 5lbs so far but I am gaining a lot of muscle and my tummy is starting to go down. I should be at my goal by summer time. My ultimate goal is to be a 115 so I know I have a lot more to go from here! I am hoping to loose 15lbs by next month so wish me luck and thank you for listening to me=0) Until next week=)

Work out play list currently listenting to some early 90's hip hop Like Salt N Pepa

My Fitness Update

Friday, April 12, 2013

Well it's been a little while since I have written last so I just wanted to give you an update on my fitness goal and staying healthy.

So I am closing in on week one of trying to make it to the gym every day I almost made it. I had to let my body rest Wednesday. I am getting ready at the moment to go to the gym now, but wanted to give you an update. I didn't Mention before but I am going through a big diet change because I want to and second my body is forcing me to I now have an ulcer and having some kidney problems I have been taken care of lately. So I am unable to eat anything acidic or spicy. Man does this suck I have everything with hot sauce I would put Seracha in my coffee if it taste good LOL. Yesterday I went out and did some major grocery shopping all fresh veggies, fish, chicken basicly everything healthy I could fit into one cart and shove into my tiny little Bug. Also this week I started taking the Pure Green Coffee Bean Pills. As you can see my body is undertaking a lot of change. I have lost a few pounds but putting on more muscle than anything. My main concentration is doing cardio at the moment. Trying to keep positive and even if I don't feel like going to the gym I go anyways. It is important to keep routine so I am trying to convince my mind and body. I really would love to take classes, but have not put those big girl panties on because I chickened out! It was scary when I got to the gym everyone paired up with someone they knew. By the end of next week I am going to get into one of those classes!! Well being the first week I have no major weight loss but I have a little I will up date my fitness blog next week again. If you have any tips or suggestions on this please send me a message=)


Staying positive trying not to get discouraged=)

Family's and staying health together!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Staying healthy as a family.

        If you were to look up my name in the dictionary it may say a few things like: Couch potato, and Lazy book worm. I always get on these fitness kicks then a short time after its like I never even did anything. I started out at 200 lbs after I had my daughter. I decided that I could not live that way. I kicked ass and got into the 130's I even stayed in that range for a while. Of course I was still not satisfied with myself. Then I started working for a new company after taking a break for a little while. The one thing I loath about working is the junk food. I am so glad patients appreciate us and love us enough to take the time to bake us goodies but it kills me every time. You think oh I can have just one that wont kill me or I deserve this or what I am famous for I am about to start my period I need this chocolate! At my fiance's work he goes in everyday to a buffet I kid you not Donuts, bagels, pastries everything you could possibly think of. Now if we could only get people to cater healthy food to our companies that would be even more amazing!

After I started working again I am now almost reaching my two year mark and also up almost 30lbs. YIKES!! I can't believe I have let myself get this lazy again. Lucky for the hubby he is very tall and his weight doesn't even look bad on him. Men also loose weight so much faster than women just a proven fact. I hate them for that LOL. Women especially women who have had children have to work so much harder. It isn't just about working out I think we all know that by now. So let me stop real fast I am no way shape or form a fitness instructor I am basing mostly everything off of experience. What we eat what we take in is a huge contribution to why we weigh so much. To test that theory I started out changing my eating habits before jumping into working out. I started out but eating Lean Cuisines and drinking slim fast in the morning. I work full time and have a child to get ready in the morning I don't have time to be Betty Crocker in the morning. So I grab a shake ( Slim fast). I also stop drinking soda. The weight just started coming off. But after so long you need to add in the work out. I did and I was doing great for a while at least. Then my laziness kicked in.

    So It looks like I am going to start on my health kick again, but we are now doing it as a family. Family's that play together stay together. So as a family we are trying to do more things as a unit. So recently we joined the newest 24 hr fitness it is now considered a super sport club. AMAZING wow just wow it has everything! I am so juiced to start classes there. Although I wish I had a work out buddy to do classes with I am going to have to woman up and put on those big girl panties and just do it! My fiance it sticking to lifting and cardio. So those we can do together, but you wont catch him doing Turbo kick or Zumba with me lol. The best part about it is we don't have to search for a sitter. They have a well trained certified kids club there. My best friend who also works for one was telling me all the hoops they have to go through to work there with the background checks and becoming CPR certified. That made me and the hubby that much more comfortable leaving her there to play. Listen to me I swear I don't work for one. I just love to promote things that make me happy and make life easier. Today was my first time there at this club and it was amazing. I admit it can get a little pricy, but with our budgeting and the fact we don't really do to much and don't have cable it allows us to do this.

I figured if I write about this to an audience I would be more inspired to keep up with my workouts and fitness goals and let you know how it goes. This will give me more of a push because now I have gone public with it! Just so you know as of today I am 160lbs and 5”2 so you know for us short folks we just get wide not so cute so I am in trim down mode. Also I am getting married in September so we are trying to look good for that as well as just trying to stay healthy.

      So here is to the beginning of my workout journal and letting my readers know my progress. I encourage other women to do the same I would love to talk to anyone else who is trying to feel better about them selves again. Lets be each others inspiration and motivation!! God knows I need it as well no one is strong all of the time that is why us women should have someone we can go to for support and if you already do that’s amazing, if not we can always chat and encourage each other and build one another up!


(Putting on my big girl panties one leg at a time.)

P.s. What type of music gets you going for your workout? Lets share play lists. Right now I am in fighter mode so rock is what is pushing me through. I am currently listening to Avenge Sevendold.

Hectic Moms SOS

Saturday, April 6, 2013

As for me a mom of 1 life gets pretty hectic. I seriously bow down to those Mommy’s out there with more then one child. I don't know how you manage I would be bald by now from yanking out all my hair. To think I want to add to our chaos and have another baby. My daughter is now 5 years old and is very independent so I suppose it wouldn't be that bad. She is starting kindergarten so I'm not sure if I'm ready to start over with diaper changing quite yet. I have gotten a little selfish with my time lately. My time is split between working, daughter, fiance, housekeeping, and trying to write.

As a woman multitasking is a gift from God he was so kind enough to bestow upon us. For me I am a slacker I'm so pooped during the week I leave what I can for the weekends. My kitchen has to stay clean I live in a small apartment and cooking one night looks like a weeks worth of dishes.

So here is the thing. I don't know what the big secret is that I am not being let in on, but how in the hell do moms mange a social life? I can't just leave my kid with just anyone. I see so many moms out there clubbing still and getting trashed with their friends and posting picture on facebook all the time. Why is it that you can manage to get out that often who is raising your children or child? Wednesday through Saturday night I see you guys partying every weekend. I try not to judge, but some people make it hard not to ask questions. Who is tucking your baby in at night?

After I had my daughter I was told by some close friends how many friends they lost once they had their children. I guess I didn't think to much about that until I had my kid. Man was that true once you are no longer able to just go out when ever you want to. Life doesn't stop for us while we are trying to have a family. I get text or calls saying hey lets hit San Francisco tonight or San Jose. Where exactly do you suppose I pull this sitter from my A**?? Not only that I am 29 and some of my friends are slightly older which leads to another question how old is to old to be clubbing? I don't live as close to my family as I wish I could so maybe that is where my problem lies. I don't have my family at my beckon call to watch my kid when ever we want to go out. Even if I do get a sitter it is normally one person that I trust and I have to pick my little girl up by 10 in the morning. So I can't necessarily go out and get tanked and still be alive enough to pick up my kid in the morning.

So I am slowly coming to grips with that I am content being alone. I do get together with some friends from time to time, but it is typically places respectable enough to bring my daughter with me. So I have a few people telling me that its a issue I need to get over. I work my ass off all week and hardly get quality time with my family so excuse me if I don't want to go out and party with out them. Please everyone let me know if I am the one with the issues here. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of being able to go out with my girls. I have even done just that. But I feel like I am losing interest in what some of them are talking about. I am slowly becoming a hermit that doesn't want to social outside of her family and work. Please Moms out there give me some advice on how to keep social and maintaing friendships while leading a busy life. I am very grateful for the handful of friends I do have that understand or just love me enough to know I am a mommy now and I have responsibilities. It is harder and harder to relate to anyone anymore. I know I must sound pathetic but it is what it is. Any advice would be helpful!

Carpe Diem

Monday, April 1, 2013

I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone who is taking time to read my blogs. Please fills free to let me know what you think of my little blog posts. I love feed back !


I don't see myself as a religious person but I consider myself a spiritual person. I don't believe that you need to be in a church to worship god or whom ever it is or whatever it is you may believe in. I think that as long as you know in your heart you believe and you have faith that's all that matters. I pray everyday but just because it doesn't take place in a church or Temple doesn't make it any less meaningful.

My favorite phrase is “Carpe Diem” Seize the day. Let the ones close to you know how much you value them. Tell your Mom, Dad, Child, Husband, Brother or Sister etc that you love them. Spend some quality time with them if that only means sharing a meal together. Find something you guys can do together to spend time with each other. You never know when your time is going to be cut short and it will be to late to go back. When death comes there are no do overs or take backs. Carpe Diem!!!

Appreciation - Learn to give flowers while people are still living”
Joel Osteen

You may be at a crossroads in your life. You may have issues to deal with; people you need to forgive. You can go one of the two ways. You can ignore what you now know to be true and keep burying that bitterness in your life, pushing it deeper and allowing it to poison and contaminate you and those around you. Or you can make a much better choice by getting it out in the open and asking God to help you to totally forgive and let it all go.”
Joel Osteen,
Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential

What triggered this blog was that in the past week I have had 4 patients call in and either reschedule or cancel do to a death in their family. When hearing things like this it makes a person reflect on their own life. Thinking to myself I ask some questions: Did I tell my family I love them enough today?, Did I show them in some way that I care? It is the smallest things that you do that can make huge impact on someone elses life. Remember life is precious and we need to appreciate the blessings that we have been given.

So as for my readers once again thank you for taking the time out of your day to read what I have to say today. It is very heart warming to know that I can touch someone, reach someone on some level whether I made you smile, laugh or made any kind of positive impact on you.

I chose to use Joel Osteen's quotes because although I may not be able to make it to church as much as I would like I thoroughly enjoy reading his books and quotes or listening to his podcast to lift my spirits in some way.


P.s. You can also fallow me on Google+ or Facebook=)